“Thomas Harrison understands the Five Star approach to ministry. He has the uncanny ability to size up a congregation in terms of its ministry, outreach and facilities. Our church was amazed at what his evaluation revealed. I highly recommend his Secret Church Shopper Services to your church.”
Dr. Stan Toler, General Superintendent
Church of the Nazarene
Author, The Five Star Church
“Thomas Harrison is a great resource for pastors because he understands our challenge, and he comes alongside offering valuable assistance without adding any pressure. His Secret Church Shopper insights were thorough, well communicated, and showed us how we could improve significantly in the next 12 months. Upon my request he gave me “Ten suggestions for growth and effectiveness” which were valuable and useable ideas. I enthusiastically recommend Thomas Harrison to my pastor friends.”
Ron McCaslin, Senior Pastor
Spring Creek Assembly of God
Edmond, OK
“Thomas Harrison has a great understanding for what attracts, and keeps people in church. His insights and attention to detail will help any church of any size, improve their overall effectiveness. The
Secret Church Shopper and Facility Inspection was a great blessing to us. I urge all churches serious about reaching and keeping people as well as improving their total church program to call upon the service of Thomas Harrison.”
Greg Wheat, Senior Pastor
Christian Life Assembly
Lexington, OK